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Safe environments are places where people feel safe and secure within them. When evaluating and later on working to improve the level of security in a place, we ought to take into consideration both individuals' sense of security and objective security threats. The SensoMeter system allows its users to measure and evaluate these two aspects of security in urban environment using residents' reports.The system is comprised of two main components:(1) A mobile app through which residents can report about their environment using structured reports and surveys.(2) A server that stores the data and communicates with the mobile app.The SensoMeter system is a generic system. Therefore, users can easily adjust the application and utilize it in many different ways and for many different purposes.

Safe environments are places where people feel safe and secure within them. When evaluating and later on working to improve the level of security in a place, we ought to take into consideration both individuals' sense of security and objective security threats.

The SensoMeter system allows its users to measure and evaluate these two aspects of security in urban environment using residents' reports.The system is comprised of two main components:


(1) A mobile app through which residents can report about their environment using structured reports and surveys.


(2) A server that stores the data and communicates with the mobile app.The SensoMeter system is a generic system. Therefore, users can easily adjust the application and utilize it in many different ways and for many different purposes.






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